Lyhyet dokumenttielokuvat

Human resilience, the power of education, the dehumanization of the modern world, the power of community, the potential of children.
Country: Italy, Mozambique
Directed by: Guido Galante
Duration: 12:00 min
Age limit: K12
Maputo's dumpy quarter, La Lixeira, is a place where around 700 families live in constant desperation, collecting rubbish to survive. This area represents our world where man is nothing but waste. Roberto Galante, an educator and photographer, spent ten years working with the children of the Maputo landfill, founding the educational center "A Mundzuku Ka Hina" that focuses on helping orphans and street children. Although Roberto passed away in 2019, his legacy lives on through the center's older students who now teach the younger ones.

Post-war trauma, the search for connection, the intersection of the personal and the political, the long-term effects of war, the balance of hope and uncertainty.
Country: Poland, Ukraine
Directed by: Agnieszka Żądło
Duration: 39:00 min
Age limit: K16
The film dives deep into the Bucha tragedy, which took place during the Russian occupation near Kyiv in 2022. Follow the stories of several people connected to this heartbreaking event. Although most of the drama has already been revealed to the world, the film's heroes have to face the horrors of their past and ask themselves: are their horrible experiences really behind them?

Fighting adversity, disability rights, visibility, strength and inspiration, art and expression as therapy and communication, community influence and support.
Country: Bulgaria
Directed by: Vilma Kartalska
Duration: 16:02 min
Age limit: K12
Anjela Pencheva, who has suffered from cerebral palsy since birth, is a living example of will and courage. Although fate has thrown her challenges, Anjela has transformed into a writer, actress and dancer. With his computer-generated voice, he actively participates in initiatives promoting the rights of the disabled and is a source of inspiration for everyone who has met him

Conflict between war and family, Heroism vs. humanity, Weight of legacy, Recovery after war.
Country Finland
Directed by: Virpi Irmeli Adamsson
Duration: 36:00 min
Age limit: K16
The documentary follows the family life of World War II-era Finnish pilot, Eino Ilmari "Illu" Juutilainen, during and after the war. The story is told from the point of view of his son, Olavi Juutilainen.

Greed vs. ethics, environmental effects of coal, conflict between industry and nature, global environmental crisis.
Country: Chile
Directed by: Ladislao Palma Irarrázaval, Sebastián Fernandez Palumbo
Duration: 23:21 min
Age limit: K12
The documentary exposes the unethical business practices of a greedy energy magnate, Mr. Aes Gener, in Chile and around the world using coal. Through archival material, we see the damage caused by this old-fashioned and polluting fossil fuel to people and nature.

Climate anxiety, mental health and the environment, young adults' fears, experimental storytelling, an individual's perspective on the global crisis.
Country Finland
Directed by: Julia Maria Vilhelmiina Martiskainen
Duration: 7:04 min
Age limit: K16
This documentary describes the director's personal experience of intense climate anxiety, offering a look inside the anxious mind. It doesn't offer solutions, but instead asks viewers to witness a young adult's fear of the future.
Themes: Climate anxiety, Mental health and the environment, Fears of a young adult, Experimental storytelling, An individual's perspective on the global crisis.

Pakolaisuus, identiteetin säilyttäminen, koti-ikävä, toisen maailmansodan seuraukset, kulttuurinen perintö.
Maa: Viro
Ohjaus: Priit Laineste
Kesto: 39:44 min
Ikäraja: K16
Vuonna 1944 tapahtunut suuri länteen suuntautunut eksodus oli virolaisten massapako Neuvostoliiton puna-armeijan hyökkäykseltä. Alun perin ajatellen palaavansa kotiinsa muutaman kuukauden tai vuoden kuluttua, monet päättivät asettua uuteen maahan tai siirtyä eri puolille maailmaa, kun paluu kotiin ei enää ollut mahdollista. Elokuva seuraa erään virolaisen miehen elämää ja kuvaa virolaisen identiteetin säilyttämistä kodin ulkopuolella.